Monday 15 August 2011

The Free Way tip 3 - Fill your shelves with awesome free* ornaments!

(*if you have card/paper, ink and glue)
If you find yourself looking at your shelves wishing they had something from your favourite tv show, film or video game, then this might be the perfect hobby for you! Papercraft is a free/cheap hobby that i myself am very passionate about. You download free 2d patterns print them out cut, fold and glue them together to make fantastic shelf fillers! Much of the reason this blog is not as frequently updated as i wish it was is because i spend so much time designing papercrafts for my teams site here, so i feel i have the knowledge introduce this hobby to you.
There are many sites out there for downloading templates biggest range can be found at or Papercraft Paradise, although you may find it easier to search Papercraft Museum for models. Just make sure you start with something simple. Me and my fiancee wrote some guides we hope will help beginners they can be found here and here. Good luck and i hope you enjoy this new hobby :D

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